Piyo, Run, Run, Run

Piyo, Run, Run, Run


Monday morning I pushed play as soon as I woke up.  I knew I needed to get my workout done quick before my husband got home from his night shift and needed to sleep.  I chose the shortest Piyo workout on the DVD set, Piyo Strength Intervals.  Somehow, it is the one that gets me pretty sweaty, too.

After Piyo, I finished some rep work before grabbing a shower and heading out for a morning of adventuring.  I ate my breakfast at this new park a friend of ours told me about.  The boys loved the natural park.  We will definitely be back for more summertime fun.  I see a full morning of going on trails, playing, and picnicking in our future.

Okay, so maybe I got a little more exercise in while I played with the boys!!!

Monday’s Workout:

  • Piyo Strength Intervals
  • 40: push ups, squats, lunges, bridges, Russian twists, ankle taps, reverse crunches, scissor kicks, jack hammers, and clam shells
  • 20: leg lifts, supermans, burpees
  • 2:30 planks
  • arm weights, 10 reps, three rounds

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Monday Take Two:

Monday evening, the boys and I put in some miles together while my husband slept again (final night shift in this stretch)!  We were meeting some other MRTT ladies later, but we needed to be out of the house.  N rode his bike while I pushed C in the stroller.  We walked up the neighborhood hill first.  I did not even start my watch until I started running at the top of the hill.

My legs were tired.  I had ran a good five and a quarter the night before.  Plus, I had the early morning workout and adventuring to the park followed by a touch-a-truck.  My body was definitely feeling slow.  I am pretty sure N could have gone faster; he was slowing down for his wore out Momma.  A thunderstorm had rolled through less than a half an hour before we left.  N was loving riding through all of the leftover puddles.  C keeps surprising me and hangs tight in the stroller.  They knew exactly where we were and where we were heading since we ran the same route on Friday.

We went right to the park.  The boys played on the playground.  I pushed some swings.  We fed the ducks.  (If you bring the bread, they will come…).  We had about 45 minutes of fun at the park before the other ladies started showing up.

We had a good group come out for the run.  Some ladies looped the park one time.  Others went around a couple times.  Each loop is about a mile.  We had already done over two miles to get to the park, I knew it would be a mile to the ice cream shoppe and back, plus we had over two more miles home…yeah, the boys and I did ONE loop at the park.  N got to lead the way for the group.

Then, we were off to the ice cream shoppe!!!!  I stopped my watch as we walked up the Kings Mills hill to get there.  Probably another .2 would have been added on if I had kept my watch going.  N is great about riding his bike while I run, but the big hills still get him.

We have lived in Mason for over seven years now.  Somehow, this was my very first time trying Tucker’s Whippy Dip.  I have no idea how that has happened.  I love supporting local businesses.  It was yummy ice cream, too!

N got his normal vanilla cone.  They make cute faces on the cones.  He made me eat the face off because he wanted it plain.  C got a spider bowl of ice cream.  Which meant he ate more gummy worms (legs) than he did actual ice cream.  I ordered a small M&M swirlie.

Did you say I could have ice cream if I ran there?!?  Count me IN!!!!

Yep, I ate all 12 ounces of that swirlie!!!

A group run for ice cream is my kind of event!

All of that ice cream made for an interesting run back home.  The first half mile or so I was rethinking my choice on the ice cream.  After that, my tummy settled down and it was all worth it!

I kept my watch going the entire time home, because I wanted to know how far we were from the Whippy Dip.  We ran back to the park with the girls.  They ran back into the park to their cars, we kept going straight home.  N had us walk up the other end of the Kings Mills hill on the way home.  This time, I did not mind even a little bit.

I could tell he was getting tired.  We had already put in some miles.  Not to mention, it was way past his bedtime by that point.  I kept encouraging him, “We’re almost home.  Keep pedaling”!

What a day!  We were all beat!

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Monday night, I decided that my evening ice cream run was going to count as my run for Tuesday morning.  That would save me some time in the morning and allow a little extra shut eye.  It also would help keep me off the treadmill, which is where I would have been.  I did do my rep work though!  And I went hard for my rep work and did more difficult variations.

Tuesday’s Workout:

  • 40: tricep dips, push ups, squats, lunges, donkey kicks, fire hydrants, clam shells, butt kicks, high knees, mountain climbers, toy soldiers, apple pickers, Russian twists, ankle taps, reverse crunches, scissor kicks, jack hammers, bicycle crunches
  • 20: leg and hip extensions, single leg deadlifts, supermans, burpees, and leg raises
  • 2:30 planks
  • arm weights, 10 reps, three rounds
  • a few extra miles walking around Kings Island

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It was GLOBAL RUNNING DAY and I was most definitely going to get in some miles to celebrate the special day.

The Buckeye Running Company had a special event that was FREE!  It was an out and back 5K.  There were no bibs, medals, or chip timing.  However, there was a measured route, friends, and food!  The owner stood at the the finish line with a stop watch and called out the times as each runner finished.  It felt good hearing him call out 25:33.

My goal is to one day run a 5K in under 25:00.  I ran a 25 flat last summer at a race up in Michigan.  So close; I will get there!

The route was on the bike path that I run often when doing ten miles or more.  I knew the inclines were going to be a nice challenge.  I warned my husband that the last half mile going up to the finish line was going to be rough.

Everyone took off super fast!  All of the kids at the front were zooming.  Some crashed and burned and ended up walking.  Others kept going and did not look back.  One little guy went blazing down the hill past me.  I thought, “Wow!  That kid is FLYING”!  Next thing I knew, Brett, the Saturday morning Buckeye training group leader came up next to me.  I said, “Check out that kid zooming’.  He replied, “Yeah. He’s mine”.  I chuckled, “Of course, he is one of yours”.  (Brett is super speedy)!

We were spread out by mile one.  I was pretty much running on my own at that point.  The lead guys were circling back. Then, came all of the kids.  Two junior high (I would guess) girls were up there representing.  I made sure to encourage all of them as they headed back.  As I came up to the turn around, one of the boys had lost his two buddies and had started to walk.  I gave him a pat on the back and told him, “We’re almost to the cone.  Come on”!  When I circled around, I noticed he was running right behind me.  Kuddos to him for not giving up!

After the turn around I tried to get some speed going.  I knew that last half mile was going to be rough on my time.  I also knew I was not running fast enough to get that sub 25.  While my splits were great, it was not going to be a PR.  Oh well.

On the way back, I got to wave to all my running buddies.  My husband was not too far behind me.  He was doing fantastic!  It was neat to see all kinds of runners…super fast, slow, a kiddo on his bike with training wheels, walkers, all different sizes, etc.

As we came to the corner, I was passing another junior high guy who had slowed down.  I tried my best to encourage him, “You can do it.  Lets get this hill”.  He looked at me and asked, “There’s a hill”?  I said, “We have to go up what we came down”.

Up the final incline I went.  I wanted to run it hard.  Once I could see the guys standing at the finish line I found myself run that last little bit with a lot of pride!  The two junior high girls had finished; I was girl number three.  Everyone was supportive, clapping, and ‘good job-‘ing.  I wanted to keep running. But, I joined the cheering section and supported the other runners as they came to the finish.

Splits: 8:07, 8:19, 8:09, :53

Once I saw my husband climbing that hill, all that pride came back in full force!  Afterward, he told me, “That hill was awful”.  I laughed.  I tried to give him a heads up beforehand.  He ran it in under 30 minutes!

The Buckeye Running Company did a great job putting on this free event for the first time.  They had the turn around clearly marked.  The route was planned in the most strategic way so that us runners only had to cross one non-main light.  They had an employee at the light to help with the crossing, as well.  Bonus, the entire store was 25% off for the holiday and I was able to purchase a new Body Glide bar.

Then, back at the store, they had FOOD!!!  All runners love free food after a run, right?!?  Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, chips, salsa, cookies, and bottled water.  My husband offered to pick up the boys so I could stay and chat with my running group friends.  (Thank you, Shawn Priem)!  When they got back, the boys enjoyed their cookie treats.

Also, I have to give a big THANK YOU shout out to Loretta Coppess for staying with our boys at Bear Paddle Swim School allowing both of us to participate in the run.

Thank you, Buckeye Running Company, for treating us to this fun event.  It was the perfect way to celebrate Global Running Day!

They are hosting this event every other week throughout the summer (I believe).  If you are in the Cincinnati area, come check it out with us next time.

Wednesday’s Workout:

  • 3.1 mile run
  • 40 bicycle crunches and revers crunches
  • 20 leg lifts
  • 1:00 plank

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After the Buckeye fun, I loaded up the boys and drove up to my parents’ house in Darke County, Ohio.  I ended up setting my alarm for 6:00am and going to sleep around midnight.  The short night was worth it though as I woke up to a perfect 49 degrees, calm air, and partially cloudy morning.  I am glad I threw in a long sleeve running shirt last minute yesterday, because I only wear tank tops at that temperature when it is a race day.

I had told my parents my projected route the night before with a few modifications if I wanted to cut any miles.  Plus, I had my SPIBelt to carry my phone with me just in case I needed it.  I am not currently training for any specific race.  No training plan.  I am only trying to keep hitting around 20 miles a week for the 1000 miles this year goal.  With the weather being amazing and not having ran any longer miles lately, I was ready for my usual seven mile loop back home.

Let me tell you, I took off it was the best feeling!  The empty country road, the smell of the crops growing (and some manure), the cool air on my face…ahhh!  It was the most refreshing run I have had in quite a while.  I was not worried about any certain pace.  I only looked at my watch when it beeped at me for my mile splits.  I simply ran and took it all in.

I got stopped by a CSX train around mile 2.5  It immediately made me think about my boys who I imagined were already awake, but they killed it and slept until I got back.  WHAT?!?  It was a quick moving train and I only had to wait a minute or so.

Then, I made it to my 3.5 mile halfway point corner.  Back into the village I went feeling great still.  I thought to myself, ‘I’m not really sure when it happened. But now, running six miles is like going for any other run.  It is amazing that one can go from never running EVER to running for an hour with ease’.

Field report: The crops are starting to pop up in the fields.  However, some fields have a little flood damage.

My knee felt good for today’s run.  It was mostly flat, which helped.  My right hip was tight from last night’s run.  I definitely could feel it the first half mile or so, then it loosened up for me.  When I got back to the house I really wished I could keep running, but I knew my time was up.

Splits: 8:47, 9:06, 9:01, 8:46, 9:01, 9:02, 8:53

Today’s Workout:

  • 7 mile run
  • 40: tricep dips, push ups, squats, lunges, bridges, donkey kicks, Russian twists, ankle taps, bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, and dead bugs
  • 20: supermans, burpees, leg raises, scissor kicks (my lower core was feeling the longer run by the time I got to my core work), leg and hip extensions, and single leg deadlifts
  • 2:30 planks

After the run, I was hungry and ready to eat!  I brought with me a couple jars of the peach overnight oats.  The peaches I got from The Peach Truck are absolutely amazing and worth waiting in line for!  This jar of overnight oats was the best one I have had to date!!!  Or I was incredibly hungry.  Hmm?

Would you rather run through the city or the country?














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