10 Miles to End the Week

What a great way to end my running week!  I lucked out and got to run with someone who happened to be in town for the weekend and willing to put in 10 miles with me this morning!!!!  She is the best!  Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sarah for joining me!

When venturing out for a long run, here is what I normally pack in my Spibelt:

  • Hammer Gel, Chocolate all the way!
  • A second gel.  I have one Gu chocolate left I need to use up.
  • License, you just never know
  • Car keys
  • Hair band, not pictured, whoops
  • Phone, aka. my camera

YES!  I CAN fit all of that into my Spibelt and still have room for more!!!

As soon as I found out Sarah was in town I asked if she would join me.  Ten miles is much more enjoyable with company!!!  She agreed under one condition…we run along the Miami River Trail.  DONE!  (This is the same bike path where I had my date with N last Friday.  Check out that run here).

Sarah runs a little faster than I do, so I knew I would get the push today that I needed during a long run.  I had told her I was expecting a 9:00-9:30 pace for this long run.  My legs were still a bit sore from that faster hill run on Wednesday.  Well, we took off and hit our first mile at 8:33.  It is so so so hard to not take off faster than you plan to go.  We talked about this while we were going fast. HA!

We went out about 4.5 miles and turned around. I had my Hammer Gel right before we made the turn around.

I eventually took off my gloves.  Then, a mile later wished I had them back on.  Glad I wore my warm tights.  Could have done without the high socks and second shirt though.  Winter weather is tricky.  I never did snap a photo of the weather report.  I believe it was around a feels like 22 degrees.  The sunshine was out, which always brightens the run.  The wind was not too bad today (thankfully after Wednesday’s run).  The trail was quiet today.  I think we passed one other person walking the entire time.  Very nice, flat run!

Around mile 7.5 I could tell I was getting tired.  I KNOW, had I been by myself, I would have taken a break or a few steps walking at that point.  But I had Sarah beside me not showing any signs of slowing down (thankfully)!  I feel like I could hold the conversation pretty well those first 7 miles.  After that, I kind of backed off on the talking and focused on sticking with her and not slowing down too much.  We finished our last mile by running under a neat, big bridge.

When I stopped my watch, I was very pleased to see that we had put in the 10 miles in under an hour and a half during a training run!  It felt great to see those numbers!  THANK YOU, SARAH!!!  And a huge GOOD LUCK at the Shamrock!

I have been meaning to experiment with taking a second gel somewhere around miles 8-9.  We had such a steady pace going, I did not want to hassle with it.  Maybe on next week’s long run I will give it a try.  Instead, I went for some post run fuel immediately after a shower.  Family lunch at City BBQ: green beans, pulled pork with BBQ sauce, and a few french fries dipped in honey.  Not to mention, water, water, water.

Tip: Dip your fork in the BBQ sauce instead of pouring it onto the meat. You will end up using way less.

Today’s Workout:

  • run 10 miles
  • 25 bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, leg raises, knee to elbow planks, and supermans
  • 2:30 planks

How do you fuel for half marathons???


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