Apple Pies

Apple Pies

Pie day (3.14) almost passed by without me even realizing it.  A quick trip to the store for some crescent rolls and a couple large apples let me whip up these simple apple pies.  The apple pies were our dessert after dinner.


  • one package of refrigerated crescents rolls
  • one large apple (I use two because our family likes both red and yellow apples)
  • 3 tbsp of melted butter
  • Approximately 3 tbsp of cinnamon (I did not actually measure, I am a sprinkle from the bottle kind of girl)


1. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.

2. Completely melt butter.

3. Roll out crescent rolls.

4. Coat rolls with a generous amount of butter.

5. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of crescent rolls.

6.  Slice apples.

7.  Place one apple slice on each crescent roll and roll up.

8. Coat the top of the rolls with butter and sprinkle cinnamon.

9.  Bake in oven according to the directions on the crescent roll packaging.

10. Let cool a little and enjoy while the pies are still a bit warm.

There are so many options with this simple recipe.  I like to make these by keeping the ingredients simple and without extra sugar.  However, some like their apple pies a little bit sweeter.  Feel free to try different variations.  Some other toppings you may want to consider rolling up with your apples: brown sugar, chopped up pecans, miniature chocolate chips, and/or marshmallows.  Also, if you want to take it to a whole other level, add some melted icing on the top of each pie or serve it with a scoop of ice cream.

Kitchen tools I used to make this recipe:

(Amazon Affiliate Links)

I used my grandmother’s glass pie dish to serve our apple pies.  However, here are some other options you could use:

(Amazon Affiliate Links)

This is an easy dessert that can be made quickly.  Bonus, each pie can be customized for the liking of each family member.  Be warned though, it is nearly impossible to only eat one!

What toppings did you add into your apple pies?



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