Opening Day 2018

Opening Day Tradition

Detroit, Michigan

I woke up Thursday morning and immediately started checking my phone, watching the local news channels, and wondering if the Tigers’ game was going to be postponed to Friday or not.  They continued to say the game was on. I waited until the latest that I possibly could, got layered up to run in the rain, and was putting my earphones in when we got the text that the game had been postponed.  Phew!  That was going to be a wet run.  So, off to the Henry Ford Museum we went.

I was pumped to run Friday.  Yes, it was cold, but better than cold AND wet!  The day started with some strength training in the hotel gym, a stair climb up to our 10th floor, and core work in the room while my husband hit the hotel gym.  Once the boys were up, I opened the curtains and saw this sight…


There is something extra special about running miles on Opening Day morning.  It has become a tradition for me.  I always look forward to getting out and seeing the city on one of the biggest days of the year for Detroit.  Here are some of the reasons why:

The Quiet Streets

When else can you run on the road in downtown Detroit?  While I do stick to mostly sidewalks, there are a few times when I cannot help myself.  If it is absolutely clear, not a single vehicle coming, I definitely enjoy those empty straightaways.  There is a peacefulness as you run between the tall buildings and take it all in before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.

Not to mention, the stillness that allows me to fully enjoy my recalled memories more.  Now as I run down Jefferson Avenue, I can picture all of the amazing spectators from back in October.  I can see their signs, hear their cheers, and feel the excitement from that moment.  It puts a smile on my face as I turn up Washington Boulevard to run to the famous Fort Street.  I run down Fort Street remembering my starting line nerves, fueling from the finishing line defeat, and making a promise to myself that I will do everything I can these next six months to come back stronger in 2018!

From Fort Street, I go West on Trumbull Avenue to my traditional pit stop…the sight of old Tiger Stadium.  Sadly, I never made it to a game in Tiger Stadium.  I did get to see the stadium standing and also it actively being torn down.  A little somber really.  The outfield flag pole still remains and gets a respectful visit from me every single year.

The Prep Work

It is not often you get to see all of the behind-the-scenes work.  Usually you show up and enjoy.  But there is so much more that happens in the early morning hours to prepare for the big day.  Run past any restaurant/bar and, in the windows, you will notice ice buckets filled over the brink in anticipation of tailgaters.  You will get to experience the ballpark security team setting up the medal detectors, tables, and fences.  An “It’s a great day for baseball” may just happen to come out of your mouth to make them smile as they start their long day!  The news broadcasters are bundled up in their winter gear with the camera ready to spread the excitement to those outside the city.  Tents pop up in parking lots all over Detroit.  And the, oh so delicious, smell of hamburgers on the grills begin before 8am.  At mile seven, there may have even been a thought about stopping and having one for myself.

The Hopefulness 

That’s right, it is a brand new baseball season!  Every team is starting at zero.  No wins; No loses.  It is day one!  The fans walk around in anticipation for what may come with the new year.  They cheer from the streets.  Will it be THE year?  Will we be playing baseball in October?  No one knows, but there is always hope!

One thing is for sure, there will definitely be running in October!!!  With that, I am hopeful for thousands of personal victories!


“You run in DETROIT?!?!?!”

“Yes, yes I do”!!!

Let me tell you, the safest days to run in the city of Detroit are FreePress Marathon weekend and Opening Day.  Period.

FreePress Marathon weekend is by far the safest day to run the city streets.  No questions about that.  But Opening Day has to be the second.  The security personnel that are out on the streets are in full force.  There are police officers on horses, helicopters hovering above, individual restaurant/hotel security out on the sidewalks, and police on foot with dogs.  Not to mention, the thousands of other witnesses that are gearing up for game day, too.

Now, this does not mean one should be naive.  Running solo anywhere should come along with personal safety precautions.  Be it your neighborhood or closest big city, go prepared!  I run with a handheld canister of mace and a GoGuarded ring on my finger.  Do not mess with this momma!

Check it out at Use code “gg20” for 20% off your order.

Overall, it was another great Opening Day run!  I ran my eight miles at an enjoyable pace and took in as much of the atmosphere surrounding me as I could.

My growling stomach was ready for breakfast…

The pre game fun was topped off by a 10 story climb up to our hotel floor with my whole gang.  Little legs, strong hearts.


Want to run Detroit?  Come run Detroit FreePress Marathon weekend October 20-21, 2018.  Check out all the information about race weekend at Use code KELLYROCKS2018 to save 10% off any of the events.  I will be running the international half marathon in 2018!

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