Superbowl of Running

Today felt like another holiday.  The greatest distance runners in the world were racing!  Not only the elite runners, but the greatest road runners all over the country showed up and conquered the Boston Marathon this morning.   As each wave started, I found myself in awe of thousands of athletes who are speedy fast!!!

I made sure I got out the door and back in time to see one of my favorite events of the year.  Although the DVR was recording it all for me, I still wanted to see it live with my own eyes.  My husband had already agreed to take Mr. C to his Little Gym class this morning so I did not have to miss any of it.

I had my normal Fiber One bar and a banana when I first woke up.  I knew my husband was running first this morning so I had time to digest a breakfast before my run.  I went out for a much more comfortable 6 miles this morning.  I love the sun before it is beating down on me from way up high in the sky.  I do not know exactly what the temperature was, but it was really nice.  It had not warmed up too much yet.  The traffic was a bit busy today with it being the Monday after the holiday.  I had to stop a few times to wait and cross the main road.  My knee felt decent again.  I would say 85%. I will take that!  No meds were needed post run.  One more longer run to get through and then hopefully smooth sailing to Flying Pig race day.

I had to wear my blue for the Boston Marathon.  YAY!!!  Have I mentioned that it was Boston Marathon morning?!?

Whenever I felt tired or was facing an uphill, I told myself, “There are thousands of people running way faster than you and waaaaaay longer than you today”!!!  “If they can run the Boston Marathon, you can run these six miles of hills”.  “How bad do you want it”?!?

Also, I do not know if it was everyone feeling refreshed after the long holiday weekend or what, but tons of cars got far over for me this morning. It was greatly appreciated.

I wanted to get these six miles in with a sub 9:00/mile pace.  That first mile had me a little worried.  The rest of the way I was very pleased each time my watch beeped at me.  Even with the inclines around me, I kept the last five miles under 9:00/mile.  I pictured myself running up into Eden Park.  The Flying Pig has a beast of a hill in the second half of the race.  The race day visualizing has begun.

My post run snack was a handful of grapes.  Since I had already had my breakfast, my typical banana was not a choice.  I felt like I needed a little something though.  Grapes, it was!  I downed those and then started in on a full round of my rep work.

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Today’s Workout:

  • six mile run
  • 40: tricep dips, push ups, squats, donkey kicks, bridges, fire hydrants, clam shells, Russian twists, ankle taps, scissor kicks, reverse crunches, and dead bugs
  • 20: leg and hip extensions, single leg deadlifts, burpees, and supermans
  • 4:00 planks
  • arm weights, 10 reps, three rounds

This was my view during my rep work.  Is there really anything better to watch on television ever?!?  I think not!

Did you watch the big race this morning?






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