Yay, 5AM Shorts!!!

YAY!!!! Spring has arrived in Ohio!!!!

The temperature ended up being four degrees warmer than what they were predicting last night when I went to bed.  Score!  Glad I laid out my running shorts, light headband, regular Balega socks, and no gloves!  As the temperatures begin to rise, it is even more important to make sure that Body Glide is applied generously before hitting the pavement and working up a sweat.

55 degrees at 5AM…perfect!  After being up for an hour in the middle of the night (upstairs with a kiddo who had a bad dream), I ended up sleeping all of the way until my alarm went off at 5:20am.  It scared me!  I jumped out of bed.  I do not think I fully woke up until mid-run.

The run was okay.  Nothing bad, nothing great.  It was very nice to walk outside and not have to try to catch my breathe because it was so cold.  Instead, I was able to enjoy the fresh air and look up to the sky.  It was a bit cloudy, but there were some stars shining through for me to see.  Ah, there is just something special about being out there under the dark sky, with the stars, and only you.  Very refreshing!

I updated my playlist last night on my Apple ipod nano.  New songs (well, really old ones that are back in the rotation) filled my ears as I took off up the neighborhood hill.  Since I was out early, the main road was not super busy yet.  Extra bonus for getting it done in the dark!  The wind was in my face going up that main road’s hill.  I ran it anyway.

With the nice temps, I saw a couple other early birds out getting their runs in before work.  I was pleased to see that all of us had some sort of reflective gear on to help keep us safe.  I love my HiGo light up armbands!

Splits: 9:16, 9:03, 9:05, 8:51

As I mentioned yesterday, I pulled out my 10 pound medicine ball this morning to complete my rep work.  I will be feeling it tomorrow in my arms.

Today’s Workout:

  • four mile run
  • 40: tricep dips, push ups, wood choppers, lunges, donkey kicks, bridges, mountain climbers, knee to elbow planks, Russian twists, bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, scissor kicks, dead bugs, leg raises, and supermans
  • 20: leg and hip extensions, single leg deadlifts, burpees, and sit ups
  • 5:00 planks
  • arm weights, 30 reps

What is one thing you can do today to really challenge yourself?

Push for it!  You can do it!

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