12 Mile Thoughts

12 Mile Thoughts

Just some thoughts throughout my final long run in this round of training.

But first, how great it was to wake up and see this waiting for me on the bathroom counter.  Somehow, I misplaced one of my light up, reflective arm bands and was down to only one.  Two new yellow arm bands this morning had me lit up like a Christmas tree again!  The note was about me waking up to a 4:00am alarm to avoid the heat later during preschool and being out on the roads for nearly two hours in the complete dark.  I was tempted to wear my headphones, because it was a long run all by myself.  However, I have trained all summer without them AND I knew I needed to be very aware of my surroundings.  Out the door I went at 4:20am, in shorts and a sports bra, with two full water bottles on my SPIbelt, and half open eyes.

*Time to wake up.  I can do this!

*Beautiful stars and streetlights.  The sky is really pretty.

*Man, I’m going slow.  I don’t think I care.  I’m out here, that’s all that matters.  Okay, maybe I do care.  Pick it up, Kelly!

*Hills, hills, and more hills.  Must prepare for the Queen Bee.  Oh, Eden Park Hill, how I hate you.  I wonder what my first mile split was at last year’s Queen Bee? Hmm.  I’ll have to look that up later and see what I need to beat.  (8:37, 8:50, 8:31…the climb).  Do these hills first thing to mentally prepare yourself AND get your legs used to hills and then more flat.  Bee Queen Ready!!!

*Awesome!  No traffic.  No stopping to wait.  Up I go.

*Is that an animal?  No, it’s something else.  Ever since that skunk sighting a couple weeks ago, I am very jumpy.  Must always pay attention.

*Alright, that was a good mile.  If I could just do that for 10 more miles.

*Please see me, please see me, please see me!  That was a closer one.  I wonder how many times I will have to jump in the grass this morning.  Why are these people out driving already so early in the morning? I wonder if they are coming home from night shift work or are just going in crazy early.  It is a Friday; maybe they want to get it done and be home by lunch.

*Why am I already drenched in sweat?  I have 9 more miles to go.  I am really glad I got up super early to do this.  I would have died in the sun and 15 more degrees later this morning.

*Climb this big hill.  At the top, I’ll take a quick water break.  Keep moving for now.

*Thank you for this very bright street light.

*Well, that mile was rough.  Not sure if a sub 9:00 pace is going to hold today.  We shall see.

*Next section, run to Buckeye Running Company and then you can have another quick water break under the street light on the bike path.

*It is a good thing I did not wear a shirt today.  Too hot with what I am in.  I wonder how reflective my skin is.  Hmm.  It is very pale; I hope that helps the cars see me better. I know they make those reflective stickers you can put on your clothes.  I wonder if those would stick to a sweaty body, too.  Probably would hurt to take off, though.

*Is this the right turn?  It’s hard to tell in the dark.  I’ll run this way for a bit, if it’s not, I’ll go back and go to the next street…  Ahh, yes!  I was right!

*Kelly, let’s try to have a good mile.  You need to pick up the pace.  RUN!  I am running.  Why is it so hot?  Why is it easier to run faster when you have a running buddy?  I struggle more when I am out here by myself.

*If that woman can roll across the finish line of her marathon, you can finish these twelve miles. I should post that video somewhere.

*Maybe I should get out my Hammer Gel while I take this water break.

*It feels like it has been a long time since I have had a gel.  I cannot believe I forgot to have one last week on that great 11 mile run.  I think I was in the zone so much that it totally didn’t phase me.  Until mile 11, that is.  I probably could have used something in my system at that time when I was dying. I’ll go ahead and have this while I run up the Tylersville incline.  There should be a trash can up at the light I can throw it away.  Because running with it after is not fun.  Please let there be a trash can.  Who empties that trash can?  Is it the school or the city?

*Okay, some flat and downhill for awhile now.  THANK YOU!!!

*Yes, a trash can!  I knew there was one up here!

*Oh my goodness, I cannot believe I crossed Mason-Montgomery on a DO NOT WALK sign.  That is a first!!!  One of the perks of being out before everyone else is up.

*It’s time to get moving.  Take advantage of this stretch.  Make up some time.  If you want to hit your goal for today you are going to have to run faster!

*LEAVES!  Leaves are not a friend to a night/early morning, woman runner, by herself, for the long haul.  Yeah, I like the sound of them crunching under my running shoes.  NO, I do not like the sound of them rattling behind me after I pass through.  Are those the leaves?  Is there another person behind me?  Paranoia!

*Ahh, Hello UDF!  People!  Oh, bathrooms!  My bladder does feel like I could make a quick stop.  I probably can make it home okay.  BUT, if I stopped really quick, the last few miles will feel a lot better.  Yeah, I am going to go ahead and make a quick pit stop.


*I love these new shorts.  I think I will wear these in Detroit.  Maybe a black pair for Queen Bee.  I think some of the girls are wearing their MRTT tank tops for the Queen Bee.  I should probably wear mine.  I find it to be a little warm, but hopefully the race is cool again this year.  Black shorts and pink MRTT shirt it is (as long as the weather cooperates).

*I can’t see!  This sidewalk is tricky.  Focus! Focus!  DO NOT TRIP!!!!

*Hey, Preschool.  I’ll see you again in a couple hours.

*SPEED UP!  Remember those who think you cannot do it, Kelly?  Prove them WRONG!

*Oh, Troys.  You are so yummy. I’ll be back for lunch to get my favorite salmon salad.  See you then!

*Okay good, a couple more decent miles.  Still may not be enough to make up for those tough ones, though.  Plus, I know the hill at the end is going to challenge me.

*Did that guy really just cat call me out his car window at 5:50 in the morning?!?!?  Go to work.

*Last downhill, make good use of it.  It’s time to run home!!!

*People are waking up.  Lots more cars on 42 right now.  Please, don’t hit me!  I have kiddos I need to get home to take care of!

*You’re broken down and tired…Rise up!  Living in the hall of fame.  I’m on top of the world, hey!  (Yes, I was singing to myself for a bit there. Brought out my last half marathon’s songs).

*I wonder if Shawn is up?  He better be getting dressed.

*He said the weather for next weekend looks perfect for running!!!  I am ready for this heat and humidity to be done for the year.  Is it so much to ask for 40-60 degree mornings?!? Few more runs in the heat.

*Ugh, here we go again.  One more time up this hill.  It was a lot easier during mile two. Not so easy at mile 11.  Grrr.  There goes my pace.  Am I walking?!?  Nope, definitely still attempting to run.  One foot in front of the other.  I see the stop light.  Get to the stop light!!!

*That kicked my butt.

*One more mile to go in the neighborhood.  You got this, Kelly!

*Still not fast enough.  How bad do you want this?  MOVE LEGS!!!

*Almost taper time. Like hammer time, but taper time.  That is a horrible joke.  You can’t use that.

*That’s where I want to be! Finish this out strong.

*You may not have hit your goal today, but you still ran 12 miles.  THAT is something to be proud of!

*A few steps uphill to end this run.  Why not?

*Perfect 12 mile route.  HOME, SWEET, HOME.

*I am disgustingly sweaty!!!!


I wanted a sub 9:00 pace this morning.  (I knew my 8:30 11 miles from last week would not be happening with a 4:20am start, dark, heat, and humidity).  It did not happen.

You can’t always get what you want.  You can try your hardest, but sometimes it’s just not meant to be.







2 responses to “12 Mile Thoughts”

  1. Lindsay Avatar

    Incredible run. I have a 5am start time for my 10 mile run tomorrow. It is going to be tough BUT I will be so glad when it’s done and I get to cheer on my friends who are running their goal half marathon race!!

    1. runeatbehappy Avatar

      Lindsay, how did you run go? Hip, hip, hooray for 5am starts. I hope you had a good 10 miler last weekend!!! Cheering on friends is ALMOST as fun as running it yourself. :p


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