Scariest Run To Date 

This morning’s run was definitely my scariest run to date!  Talk about getting your heart rate up!  My heart was beating out of my chest for awhile during my five miles.

Before I get to the good stuff, here are the less exciting details.  Yesterday’s dinner was this new pancake recipe. I added an orange and cookie as my evening snack.  Lastly, I grabbed a handful of cashews right before I went to bed.  I knew I was going to be running first thing this morning and wanted something a little extra.  It worked, because I was not really hungry when I woke up this morning.

As for waking up, I was definitely startled this morning.  That 5:15am alarm caught me off guard.  There was no beating the alarm for this snoozing lady today.  I knew I had given myself less time to get ready so I jumped right out of bed!  Laying all of my clothes and gear out the night before is a must to save myself a few minutes getting ready.

I was out the door and on the road at 5:33am! I knew that would give me plenty of time to be back by my deadline of 6:30am.  Right away, I felt the humidity.  When I got home and turned the news on they said the humidity was at 93%. Yeah. Ugh.  I sure am glad I had my Balega blister proof running socks and Body Glide ready. Throw in my left knee feeling funky again and I was nice and slow.  I immediately made the decision to not push really hard for pace and to get my miles in.

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Now, the crazy part of the run…

My Garmin watch beeped at me for mile one as I reached the entrance of the neighborhood.  I made the turn left to head down the main road.  About twenty feet down the hill, I heard keys or something rattling behind me.  I am surprised I could hear it with my headphones on, but I am glad to know that I can.  Anyway, I twisted my head around to see what was behind me and there he was.  A man was about 10 feet behind me.  Keep in mind it is pitch black and all I could see was the outline of his body.  Insert LOUD SCREAM!!!  Yep, I screamed, grabbed my chest (which had my heart jumping completely out of it), and took a few steps the other direction as I was ready to BOLT!!!

Now, this man was as kind as could be.  He made a dead stop and threw his arms up in the air saying, “I’m Sorry!  I’m Sorry!”  Then, I recognized him as another runner in the area that I have seen running this main hill on several occasions.  He continued to apologize, “I’m sorry!  I did not meant to scare you! I thought you saw me up at the light.  I thought you knew I was back here.  I’m sorry.”.

We finished up running down the hill and he turned the other way while I did a U-turn to head right back up the hill.  He needs to get some of my HiGo armbands to give himself some reflection and make himself more visible in the dark!

The rest of my miles were less exciting.  I put one foot in front of the other and constantly thought about the water I was going to get to drink when I got home.  I chalked this run up as not my best, but one that is completed.  I am reconsidering my miles for Friday morning.  It is suppose to be my last long run before The Flying Pig, but I am wondering if I should cut a few of those off like I did last month for Run the Bluegrass.

Either way, today’s five miles are in the books and before the sun was up!!!  Bring on a fun time at the park with my boys the rest of the morning!!!

Today’s Workout:

  • five mile run (slower)
  • 40: tricep dips, push ups, squats, donkey kicks, bridges, fire hydrants, clam shells, dead lifts, Russian twists, ankle taps, scissor kicks, and  reverse crunches
  • 20: leg and hip extensions, single leg deadlifts, supermans, leg lifts, and burpees
  • 2:30 planks
  • arm weights, 10 reps, three rounds

Some Safety Tips:

  1. Run with a buddy.
  2. Do not wear headphones.
  3. Take your phone with you in your belt.
  4. Always tell someone your route before you leave the house and estimated time of arrival.
  5. Change your routes up from time to time.
  6. Stick to well lit areas.
  7. No ponytails.
  8. Take along a handheld mace or other defense item.
  9. Use a tracking app on your phone.
  10. PAY ATTENTION to your surroundings!!!

What other safety tips do you follow???

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